Create a Libre Geospatial Web Application with gnuMilion

Orkut Murat Yılmaz - @orkutmurat

Today, tons of proprietary GIS (Geographical Information Systems) are in use and publicly promoted. Schools and public agencies are educating people, as if they are training partners of proprietary software companies.

By the help of free, libre and open source tools, people can create their working Libre Geospatial Applications for disaster relief, collaboration, data analysis and management.

As a member of FLOSS GeoSpatial Community and creator of gnuMilion, I'd be honoured to speak about gnuMilion at Cuba Free Software Conference. gnuMilion is a web GIS application, powered by OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap, PostGIS, GeoServer and Drupal.

Hasta la victoria siempre!
